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Whats the difference between stainless steel pots of different prices?


Careful friends will notice that there are some cheap stainless steel pots, sold for 15, 25 and 35 pieces. Xiaobian has also been touched. Considering that such a cheap stainless steel pot looks no different from hundreds of pieces, let's see today that there is no difference between dozens of stainless steel pots and hundreds of stainless steel pots? What are the specific differences? Let's take a look.

First of all, the materials are different. There are many kinds of stainless steel, some of which have a lot of impurities, and the impurities that are more expensive will be relatively much less. As a result, using cheap stainless steel pot for a long time will definitely have a negative impact on people's health. Secondly, if you buy a pot for hundreds of dollars, its thickness is in line with national standards, but the cheap pot is not the same. It's very thin. Everyone cooks It's hard to avoid some bumps. This cheap pot has been used for some time. It's very obvious that it's potholes. But the pot that costs hundreds of yuan is the same as the new one. In terms of luster, the cheap stainless steel pot is easy to rust, and the expensive one won't rust, while the cheap one will lose its luster, and the expensive one will always be very bright.

This phenomenon also confirms a saying, that is, cheap is not good, good is not cheap, when friends buy pots, they should try to buy better quality ones. After all, pots are slow consumables, some people don't need to change them for several years, so it's better to buy a good one and enjoy it slowly. Of course, it's not that the more expensive it is, the better its quality will be. As long as the price is similar, it can be used For your pot, including some brand advertising fees, which will be attached to the pot, but not necessarily all are related to the quality of the product.

In terms of purchasing daily necessities, there is a great deal of attention. In addition to 304 stainless steel pot, there are many 304 steel need to pay attention to. Although some heat preservation cups are made of stainless steel, they are not made of 304 steel, which is also very bad for the body. When you buy them, you must see the Chu mark clearly. In addition, there are many electric pots. This kind of pot is very convenient, but there are many defective products, If the quality is not good, it's especially dangerous when cooking. After all, it's related to electricity. 

We still need to buy things that have passed the 3C certification. Only in this way can we guarantee the safety. Only in this way can we use them for a longer time. We should try to avoid buying some defective products. We also need to buy things through regular channels such as stainless steel soup pot wholesale manufacturers. Of course, there are many things that are not embroidered with steel, This is still to wait for everyone to slowly accumulate experience to get the truth.


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