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Yuze Metal Co., Ltd

Tel: +86-750-6493222 (Foreign trade)

      +86-750-6493888 (Domestic trade)

Mobile: 13902581389

Fax: +86-750-6493333

Email: jmyuze@jmyuze.com


Address: no.14-2, South Zone, Qibao Bridge Development Zone, Huicheng, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China

Yuze Metal Co., Ltd. was founded in 2002. Inheriting the company's more than 20 years of experience in the pot industry, and constantly introducing advanced equipment and upgrading production lines, to provide customers with better products and perfect services. Next, we will adhere to the "craftsman's heart", and continue to move forward.

Yuze Metal Co., Ltd. adopts flat management mode, with decision-making tentacles extending directly to the market. It can make timely decisions according to the rapidly changing information, and can be immediately responded and implemented. The enterprise implements decentralized management, the power center moves down, and the grass-roots organizations are relatively independent, so as to minimize the delay process of decision-making in time and space, which will improve the efficiency of decision-making democratization and decision-making.
